Black wax in dogs is caused by infection or mites

Black Wax in Your Dog's Ears

Does your dog have black wax in his ears? If so, come in and we will tell you what the possible causes are and what measures you should take to improve it.

Seizures have different phases

What Causes Seizures in Dogs?

Does your dog usually have several seizures in a row or do they usually have very occasionally? Enter and know the causes before treating the disease.

If your dog has a lump, take him to the vet

Bumps in dogs

Have you noticed that your dog has any bumps or lumps? Enter and we will tell you what the possible causes are and what to do to treat it.

Apathy is a symptom of stomach pain in dogs

Stomach pain in dogs

Stomach pain in dogs can be quite a common ailment, but you have to learn to recognize it. Enter and we will tell you how to do it.

A dog's watery eyes can be a sign of illness

What do watery eyes mean in dogs?

Does your dog's eyes cry and you want to know its meaning? Enter and we will tell you what its possible causes are, as well as what you have to do to improve it.

Give love to your dog with cancer

How long does a dog with cancer last?

We tell you how long a dog with cancer lasts, and how you can tell if your furry dog ​​has this disease. Enter and also discover how it is treated.

If your dog has gastroenteritis, he should be on a soft diet for a few days

How to cure gastroenteritis in dogs?

Your dog is not well? Enter and we will tell you how to cure gastroenteritis in dogs. Find out what you can do to help him recover as soon as possible.

How to move an injured dog

How to move an injured dog

Today in the vast majority of homes lives at least one dog. Therefore, in this post we will give you some tips on how to transfer an injured dog.

Itchy ears in dogs

Itchy ears in dogs

Does your dog keep scratching his ears like he has itchy ears? In this post we tell you the possible causes and what you can do.

My puppy is weak

My puppy is weak

Do you notice your puppy weak? If you don't want to eat either, you have vomiting and diarrhea, this is your post. We tell you what it can be and how to act in this situation.

woman with puppy dog ​​in park

What is myasthenia gravis in dogs?

Do you notice that your dog is weak, without strength and without fatigue? He may suffer from myasthenia gravis, so enter the article and discover the symptoms!

my dog ​​drowns

My dog ​​is drowning

Is your dog drowning? It can be due to various causes. If you want to know more, come in and we will explain how to act if you find yourself in these situations.

Main causes of poisoning in dogs and how we can prevent them

Furosemide in dogs

Have you been to the vet and they have prescribed furosemide for your dog? If you have any doubts about what it is and what it is for, come in and find out!

light colored dog taking a pill

Meloxicam for dogs

Have you been to the vet and they have prescribed meloxicam for your dog? If you have any doubts about what it is and what it is for, come in and find out!

Main causes of poisoning in dogs and how we can prevent them

Kidney problems in dogs

Do you think that your dog may have kidney problems since you notice that he drinks more water than normal? Enter and discover through this article what they are.

senior dog with disease eyes

Blue eyes in dogs

Do you know the blue eye disease in dogs? Enter and discover the symptoms of this disease to put a stop to it as soon as possible.

puppy dog ​​at vet

Hemophilia in dogs

Find out everything that has to do with a blood disease in dogs called hemophilia. Know the types, symptoms and care to prevent it.

veterinarian giving a dog a vaccine

Canine parvovirus

If you want your dog not to suffer from the dreaded disease called canine parvovirus, pay attention to the symptoms, transmission and treatment.

puppy dog ​​of black color lying on the grass

Canine filariasis

If you want to know if your dog has canine filariasis, the symptoms, treatment and how to diagnose this disease? Come in and find out.

dog licking a watermelon lolly

Vacuum dog syndrome

Do you know what Vacuum Dog Syndrome is? Discover how to avoid it, the causes and consequences that make our dog eat everything he sees.

dog at vet for hip problem

Hip dysplasia in dogs

Find out what hip dysplasia in dogs is about, being this disease with an early solution, thanks to the indicated care and treatment.

small dog surrounded by leaves and trees

Blood in the stool in dogs

Are you worried about your dog's health? Discover what it means for dogs to have blood in their stools, symptoms and treatments that exist today.

dog biting its back from a bite

Flea bites in dogs

Is your dog scratching too much? Do you think this one could have fleas? Take a look at the symptoms, tips and recommendations to eliminate them.

woman stroking white dog

Low platelets in dogs

Are you worried about your dog's health? Discover what are low platelets in dogs, symptoms and diagnoses and treatments that exist today.

dog lying with ears held high

High bilirubin in dogs

Are you worried about your dog's health? Discover what is high birribulin in dogs, classification, symptoms and treatments that exist today.

box with antiparasites for dogs

What is and when to use milbemax?

Find out what the drug called Milbemax is, what it is for and in what situations it can be used to improve the health of the dog. Find out !!

canine leishmaniasis


We tell you everything you need to know about leishmaniasis, a disease that can affect the dog due to the bite of a mosquito.

Hip dislocation in dogs

Hip dislocation in dogs

Hip dislocation in dogs is a problem that appears due to trauma, so the dog will have to visit the vet.

deadliest diseases dogs

Deadly diseases of dogs

If you have a dog or are planning to have it, it is very important which are the most deadly diseases that they can suffer from. Come in and find out.

Diseases that affect both the stomach and intestines in dogs are more common than we think

Digestive problems in dogs

If you have a dog in your family, you should pay attention to the diseases that it may suffer, such as digestive problems. Find out what they are.

but constipated

How to avoid constipation in puppies

If you notice that your puppy has trouble pooping, it may be that he is constipated. Follow the advice and prevent your puppy from having a bad time.

older adults will require different basic needs

Care in elderly dogs

It is important to know what we can and cannot do if our dog is older. So pay close attention and make sure your dog is well cared for.

Tips to control shedding in dogs

Tips to control shedding in dogs

It is normal for dogs to shed some of their fur, however, how much hair must they lose to know if it is too much? Most Dogs If your dog is shedding and you see that he is shedding more than normal, go inside and take a look at the possible causes.

Old dogs have gray hair

Diarrhea in older dogs

Come in and we'll tell you everything you need to know about diarrhea in older dogs: causes, treatment, and more. Do not miss it.

Deadly diseases that affect dogs

There are certain diseases in dogs that can be fatal, likewise it is important to keep in mind that the breed is something capable of influencing. Come in and find out.

We bring you the information you need to know more about these hormonal tumors

Hormonal tumors in dogs

We tell you all about hormonal tumors in dogs: their symptoms, their treatment and much more so that you know how to identify it as soon as possible.

Lying bulldog

Amnesia in dogs

Yes, amnesia in dogs is a sad reality. Enter and we will tell you what the symptoms are and what can be done so that they continue leading a normal life.

dog skin that needs aloe vera

Acute wet dermatitis in dogs

Acute wet dermatitis is a common dog skin condition, also known as a "hot spot", which usually appears quite often. Do you think your dog may be suffering from wet dermatitis? Do you want to know what the symptoms are? Come in and find out .

Heart failure is a fairly common disease

Heart failure

Do you think your dog may be suffering from heart failure? If you want to know what the symptoms are and why it usually appears, pay attention.

it is interesting to have information about poisoning in dogs

My dog ​​has been poisoned

We already know that dogs by nature can be too curious and some even a little clumsy and careless, especially if they are We know that dogs can be too curious, so you have to control what they put in their mouths, so as not to be poisoned.

Leukemia is a serious condition that dogs can develop

Canine leukemia

Do you want to know the symptoms and types of canine leukemia? Do you think your dog could suffer from leukemia? Come in and find out.

Dog lying

Kidney stones in dogs

We tell you all about kidney stones in dogs. Enter and discover what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Pug in bed

Canine babesiosis

Canuna babesiosis is a very serious disease that affects dogs. Enter and we will tell you what the symptoms and treatment are.

Dogs with allergies

Allergy tests for dogs

Dogs can react to certain factors, and to find out what is causing them problems are allergy tests.

dog with insufficiency disease

Diabetes in dogs

Diabetes in dogs must be diagnosed in order to care for the animal, as it is a chronic disease that needs treatment.

Diseases in Beagles

Common Diseases in Beagle Dogs

Beagle dogs have some common diseases that you have to know in order to avoid them or stop them if they do suffer from them.

Pyoderma in dogs

Pyoderma in dogs

Do you know what this disease called Pyoderma is? Do you want to know how to know that your dog suffers from this disease? Come in and find out.

Torsion of the stomach or gastric torsion is an extremely serious disease.

How to avoid stomach twisting in our dog

Stomach torsion or gastric torsion is an extremely serious disease that affects dogs of any size, although large-breed dogs are more prone to it. It requires immediate veterinary treatment.

Sick adult dog

Pneumonia in dogs

Enter and discover everything about pneumonia in dogs: symptoms, causes, treatment and much more. Learn to take care of your friend with this problem and help him to improve.

Horner's disease in dogs

Horner's disease in dogs

Do you know what Horner's disease is in dogs? Enter and discover the causes and treatments that affect the nerves of our dog's face.

food allergies in dogs

Food allergy in dogs

Do you want to know if your dog has a food allergy or what he has is an intolerance? Come in and find out. A comprehensive guide to dogs and food allergies

Dogs can have dandruff too.

My dog ​​has dandruff: why is it?

Like us, dogs can get dander too. Although at first it may seem like something unimportant, it can be the symptom of various health problems. Therefore, we must never ignore it.

Dog truffle

Distemper in dogs

Distemper in dogs is a very contagious disease that can be lethal for dogs and that we must know to avoid it.

Bitch in bed

Can a spayed dog have pyometra?

Have you ever wondered if a spayed dog can have pyometra? Do not hesitate! Enter and we will tell you everything you need to know about this disease.

it is a disease that is systemic as well as progressive

Lymphatic cancer in dogs

Do you want to know what Lymphatic Cancer in dogs consists of and how to act against this disease? Come in and find out.

Sad dog in bed

Why does my dog ​​vomit a lot?

Are you wondering why my dog ​​vomits a lot? Enter and we will tell what are the possible causes and what you have to do to improve it.

This is a disease that affects the respiratory system

Flu symptoms in a dog

Do you want to know the symptoms and care that a dog needs when it has the flu? Come in and find out.

Sick dog

Anaphylactic shock in dogs

Anaphylactic shock in dogs is caused by a severe allergic reaction and can endanger the life of the dog, so act immediately.

Bulldog lying on the floor.

Spondyloarthrosis: symptoms, treatments, care

Spondyloarthrosis ossificans is a degenerative disease that affects the spine of dogs, especially those of advanced age. We talk about this disorder, its symptoms, possible treatments and basic care.

Urinary stones

Diet and kidney stones in dogs

In today's article we will teach you how to avoid kidney stones in dogs, through diet, because it has a lot to do with it.

Sad Yorkshire.

Causes and treatment of pharyngitis in dogs

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues and mucosa of the pharynx, as well as the lymphatic system. It is a very common problem and can be due to various causes of different nature.

fight the cold in dogs

How to fight a cold in dogs?

Do you think your dog is sick and do you think it may have caught a cold? Enter and discover how to fight the cold in dogs.

Small size dog

What is Shaker syndrome in dogs?

Is your dog shaking for no reason? Enter and we will explain what Shaker syndrome is, a little-known disease that must be treated to improve the animal's quality of life.

Thelazia in dogs

Thelazia in dogs

How do you know that your dog may be suffering from the disease called thelazia? Discover its symptoms through our articles.

Cleaning the dog's eyes

Cleaning the dog's eyes daily

The dog's eyes must be cleaned daily, because otherwise problems such as conjunctivitis may appear, and it is also a cosmetic issue.

Yorkshire eyes.

Dry eyes in the dog: causes and treatment

The "dry eye syndrome" in dogs is one of the most frequent ophthalmological diseases, and is caused due to a deficiency of the aqueous phase of the tear or precorneal tear film.

Emotional disturbances

Dogs can be emotionally upset

Dogs can also suffer from various emotional disorders derived from different situations, so we must learn to recognize them.

the dog can also suffer from this condition

Kidney Stones in Dogs

In today's article we will teach you how to avoid kidney stones in dogs, how to learn the types that exist and the symptoms.

Caring for the dog's ears

Basic dog ear care

Find out what are the basic care of the dog's ears, to achieve optimal hearing health with very simple gestures.

Pollen allergy is a disease that dogs can have

How to combat allergy in dogs?

Do you suspect that your furry may have an allergy? Enter and we will tell you how to combat allergies in dogs and thus have a better quality of life.

Pug or pug scratching itself.

Symptoms and treatment of scabies

Mange is a skin disease that seriously affects the dog, causing symptoms such as irritation, itching or alopecia. It requires veterinary treatment.

Senior dog

Natural chondroprotectors for dogs

Do you have a dog that is already very old and you are worried that from now on it may have a lot of pain? Enter and discover how to fight it.

Sick dog

Signs that your dog is sick

Discover some unmistakable signs that your dog may be sick. They are little things that tell us that something is wrong.

Kennel cough

Kennel cough, how to recognize it

The so-called kennel cough can occur in all types of dogs, and although it is not dangerous it can lead to pneumonia if it is not treated.

Dog with healthy eyes

How to cure a stye on a dog

We tell you how to cure a dog stye with natural remedies. Find out what you have to do to make your eyes look healthy again.

Why does a dog's stomach hurt

We look at some of the common causes of a dog's stomach ache. It is important to recognize them to know if you have to take him to the vet.

tail disease in dogs

Limber tail syndrome in dogs

Today we are going to discuss a topic related to our pets, Limber's tail syndrome, which, as its name suggests, has to do with the tail.

when the dog loses its hair, it must be taken to the vet

Hair loss in dogs

The loss of the coat in dogs is normal, but it can hide diseases if the loss is excessive, due to hormonal disorders.

Dog in the field.

Canine gingivitis symptoms

Canine gingivitis is a disease often caused by poor dental hygiene, and its main symptoms are bleeding, halitosis, and inflammation.

The French Bulldog suffers from this disease

What is brachycephalic syndrome?

The breeds most affected by brachycephalic syndrome are the Boston Terriers, the French bulldog, the English bulldog, the Pug, and the Shih Tzu.

Home remedies to treat a cough in our dogs

Dogs and liver disease

Liver disease is a common condition in many dogs during their lives, which can even cause death. So pay attention!

Sick dog in his bed

Home remedies for my dog's cough

Does your furry cough but lead a normal life? If so, we are going to tell you the home remedies for my dog's cough that you can give him to improve.

Sick dog

How to treat canine coronavirus

We will tell you what it is and how to treat canine coronavirus, one of the most contagious diseases of acute course that dogs can have.

Pug or Pug lying on the ground.

Cough in the dog, what does it mean?

The cough in the dog can have its origin in different causes, from minor problems to serious diseases. It requires immediate veterinary attention.

stomach disease

Gastric torsion in dogs

Would you like to know how to avoid stomach twisting in dogs? This is a problem that can be fatal. Enter and we will tell you how to avoid it.

eye disease

Optic neuritis in dogs

Optic neuritis is an inflammation of the intraocular or infraorbital optic nerve, so watch your dog's symptoms to be aware.

Sad dog

How to treat canine pyometra

We explain what it is and how to treat canine pyometra, a disease that can be very serious if it is not treated in time. Enters.

canine flu

What is canine flu?

Canine flu or the flu in dogs is a respiratory infection that can be spread from one dog to another, so learn how to fight it.

distemper disease

Canine distemper virus

Distemper is one of the worst diseases that a dog can suffer, occurring more in puppies and if it is not treated, it can be fatal.

Lhasa Apso dog breed

Lhasa Apso dog breed health

This breed comes from Tibet, being a small breed, characterized by its dense coat, its affectionate character and its vitality.

Dog at the vet.

Peritonitis in the dog

Peritonitis is inflammation of the peritoneum, the lining of the dog's abdominal area, and requires immediate veterinary attention.

rare listed diseases

Rare diseases in dogs

There are many rare and unknown diseases that can affect the health of our pet, learn what they are and how to combat them.

osteoarthritis in adult dogs

Osteoarthritis in older dogs

Learn about the symptoms and causes of osteoarthritis disease that appears more in older than younger dogs and how to prevent it.

Addison's disease

Addison's disease in dogs

It is important to know the causes and symptoms of Addison's disease, because it can occur in young dogs and in older dogs.

Dog in the park

Home remedies for canine arthritis

Has your friend been diagnosed with arthritis? If so, come in and we will tell you how to help you. Find out what are the home remedies for canine arthritis.

Dog puppy

How to cure canine parvovirus

Has your furry started to vomit and have bloody stools? If so, come in and we will tell you how to cure canine parvovirus.

what is hopokalemia disease

Hypokalemia in dogs

Everything you need to know about Hypokalemia disease in dogs, as causes, symptoms and how to treat it so that it does not go away.

Learn more about Lyme disease

Lyme's desease

Lyme disease is an infection that is caused by a tick. So you should know the symptoms, the causes and how to treat this disease.

problem in the eyes of the Samoyeds

Vision problems in Samoyeds

Be very careful and observe your dog's eyes in case you think that he may be suffering from some type of eye disease.

ways to remove ticks

Main treatments for ticks

Learn about the best methods, ways and treatments to end the ticks that are making life impossible for your dog once and for all.

what are umbilical hernias

Umbilical hernias in dogs

Some breeds are prone to developing umbilical hernias, but you may be wondering what are these types of hernias? Take note.

Adult dog

How to treat canine otitis

Have your dog's ears started to smell bad? If it also nods and scratches, this article interests you. Find out how to treat canine otitis.

grapes causes kidney failure

Are grapes dangerous for dogs?

Grapes are a toxic food and very dangerous for the health of our dogs, since they can cause kidney failure and even death.

Stomach twisting

How to avoid stomach twisting

Avoiding stomach twisting is not always possible, but we can have a routine so that the dog has less chance of suffering from it.

cancer in dogs

10 warning signs of cancer in dogs

If you are concerned about the health of your dog, you should pay the utmost attention to these symptoms and signs that may indicate that our pet has cancer.

Sad dog

How to treat my dog's diarrhea

It is the most common problem that affects our dog, but how to treat my dog's diarrhea? Enter and we will tell you how to make it improve.

Boxer dog

How to care for a dog with diabetes

Has your friend been diagnosed with diabetes? Do not worry. Enter and we will tell you how to take care of a dog with diabetes so that it continues to lead a normal life.


What is canine coprophagia

Sometimes dogs can eat feces, but why do they do it? If you want to know, come in and we will tell you what canine coprophylaxis is.

How to take care of a dog with an allergy

How to know if my dog ​​has an allergy

Are you worried that your friend is not leading a completely normal life? If so, come in and we will tell you how to know if my dog ​​has an allergy and how to help him.

Dog with arthritis

How to know if my dog ​​has arthritis

Do you suspect that your dog is not well? Does it limp or complain about a paw when you touch it? If so, come in and find out how to tell if my dog ​​has arthritis.


Why does my dog's breath smell bad?

Would you like to know why my dog's breath smells bad? If so, you have come to the right place. Find out what the causes of your halitosis are.


How Leishmaniasis Is Spread

It is one of the most dangerous diseases that dogs can have, and so do we. To avoid it, we explain how leishmaniasis is transmitted.

Coughing dog

Why is my dog ​​coughing?

Coughing in dogs is a symptom that there is something in the animal's body that is fine. But why is my dog ​​coughing? Find out what its causes are.

Dog on the couch

How to care for a dog with distemper

It is one of the most dangerous diseases that our furry friend can have. Therefore, it is essential to know how to care for a dog with distemper. Enters.

Dog wearing a harness to treat hip dysplasia.

How to Treat Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Hip dysplasia is an osteoarticular disease that causes inflammation, pain, and difficulty in movement in the area. It is more common in large breeds.

Dog at the vet.

What is Shaker Syndrome

Shaker Syndrome is a disorder of unknown origin that causes severe inflammation in the dog's brain, causing strong tremors.

Dog with depression

How to Treat Depression in Dogs

Is your friend listless and has lost his appetite? Come in and we'll tell you how to treat depression in dogs. Make him smile again.

Dog at the vet.

What is Cushing's Syndrome?

Cushing's Syndrome is a disease that causes excess cortisol in the dog's body. Its treatment requires surgery or chemotherapy.

Pug or Pug lying on the ground.

Canine hepatitis symptoms

Canine hepatitis causes severe inflammation of the liver that causes severe symptoms such as vomiting and seizures. Its treatment depends on its cause.

Sick adult dog

How to care for a dog with anemia

Would you like to know how to care for a dog with anemia? Come in and we'll tell you what to do so that your friend can continue to be as happy as ever.

Crawling dog

How to know if my dog ​​has mange

Have you ever wondered how to tell if my dog ​​has mange? Enter and know the types that there are, and how to treat them so that you can quickly regain health.

Dog Food

How to treat indigestion in dogs

Is your friend listless? Have you vomited? The food may not have done you well. Enter and we explain how to treat indigestion in dogs.

Blind dog

How to know if my dog ​​is blind

Does your friend bump into everything and seems to find it hard to find his toys? Enter and we will tell you how to know if my dog ​​is blind.

Soft diet for dogs

What should a dog with diarrhea eat?

Does your furry dog ​​have a delicate stomach and you would like to know what a dog with diarrhea should eat? Enter and we will explain how to help you with a soft diet.

Dog scratching his face

How to care for a dog with mange

Do you suspect that something is wrong with your friend? Do you scratch a lot and have hairless spots? Come in and we'll tell you how to take care of a dog with mange.

Dog with fever.

How to prevent flu in dogs

Vaccines, maintaining good hygiene conditions and protecting the dog from the cold, among other measures, are essential to prevent canine flu.

Rabies in dogs

How to prevent rabies in dogs

It is a very dangerous disease that can affect our friends so preventing it is vital. Enter and we will tell you how to prevent rabies in dogs.

Hyperactive dogs

Hyperactive dogs, what to do?

Hyperactive dogs are increasingly abundant. This is a problem that must be treated so that it does not affect the health of the animal.