Moisturizing dog cream for paws and nose

The muzzle can also dry out

Although it may seem silly, moisturizing cream for dogs is very necessary to keep our pet's skin soft., without redness or itching and, of course, hydrated. Although it will depend on several factors (such as the weather or even if your dog has had surgery recently) to decide if it is necessary or not, a visit to the vet is worth a visit if we want to make sure that our dog really needs it.

That is why today we are not only going to recommend you best moisturizer for dogs that you will find on Amazon, but we are also going to talk about other factors related to this topic, for example, what is the moisturizing cream for, what symptoms do dogs that need it present and what should we do if we suspect that this is the case. In addition, we also recommend this other related post about how to treat dry nose.

The best moisturizer for dogs

Pad repair cream

If your dog has cracked paw pads, this type of cream will do very well as it repairs, nourishes and hydrates the pad. Specially designed for this part of the body, the cream is totally organic, so it only contains natural ingredients such as avocado oil or shea butter. It is ideal to avoid injuries on those coldest or hottest days of the year. In addition, it is very easy to apply, you just have to put a little on your hand, distribute it and wait for the skin to absorb it (you can use a toy or a treat to distract your dog if necessary).

Paw and nose balm

Made with white beeswax and various types of oil (olive, coconut, lavender, jojoba...), this balm soothes irritation on both the paw pads and the snout. It works for both dogs and cats, it is non-toxic, so nothing happens if they lick it, and it is recommended to use it two or three times a week. In addition, it does not leave stains on the floor.

Organic regenerating cream

If your dog or cat's paws or snout get dry, this soothing and regenerating cream works wonders to hydrate so that it will be comfortable and hydrated again in no time. It is made with totally organic products, such as lavender, coconut and camellia oil, as well as beeswax. It is not toxic, the only drawback is that it is somewhat greasy and can stain the floor.

Paw cream with wax

We have already talked on several occasions about the German brand Trixie, specialized in products for pets. In this case, it offers 50 milliliters of moisturizing cream for paws at an unbeatable price, since it is around 4 euros. Without a doubt, it is a good option if you do not spend a lot of moisturizer, in addition, it is made with beeswax, it is not toxic and it is very easy to apply. It is a very useful product to prevent dryness and burns from heat or cold.

nose balm

This all-natural cream moisturizes, protects and soothes your pet's nose. It is non-toxic and made from natural ingredients such as sunflower oil, shea butter, beeswax, vitamin E, and olive oil. It does not have perfume so as not to bother the dog and its application is easier and more pleasant. It is recommended to use it two or three times a day, especially during the colder months.

daily moisturizer

The manufacturer recommends using this cream, on the other hand somewhat more expensive than average, once a day to keep the paws and your pet's nose hydrated and soft. It is made with all-natural ingredients such as olive oil, coconut oil, vitamin E oil, candelilla wax, mango and shea butter, plus it has no artificial flavors and is non-toxic.

Cream to protect the pads

We finish with this other cream specially designed to moisturize your dog's pads. It is ideal to protect it from the heat, it is also very easy to put on and does not leave sticky legs. In addition, its ingredients are natural and first class: arnica, aloe vera, shea butter and sweet almond oil.

What is dog moisturizer?

Dog moisturizer works well for pads

Dog moisturizer is exactly the same as human moisturizer, a cream designed to hydrate your pet's skin, only that it is made of other elements suitable for dogs to use safely since, for example, if you put human cream on your dog's nose, he will unconsciously lick it off and inadvertently swallow it, with what is very possible that you feel bad.

On the other hand, as dogs are used to being covered with hair, the cream is usually applied to areas such as the nose or paw pads, where dry skin is more noticeable.

What is this moisturizer for?

Moisturizer is important relieve your dog of the itchy sensation which can lead to dry skin as a result, for example:

  • In areas where it is very cold or very hot, the temperature can cause the dog to have very dry skin, which in turn itches and, by dint of scratching, causes wounds.
  • The allergies they can also cause the skin to become dry and itchy.
  • On the other hand, if you bathe too much or too little the dog may also develop dry skin.
  • Equally, if you lack any nutrient can also result in this condition.
  • Sometimes, if the dog has rubbed against nettles or some other irritating plant, a moisturizer can relieve itching.
  • Finally, if your dog has recently had surgery a moisturizer can hydrate the wound and make it less bothersome.

How does dry skin present?

Check with your veterinarian to find out if your dog needs moisturizer

If you are not sure if your dog has dry skin or not, look at a series of symptoms that may be the cause of this problem: the most common is that your pet is constantly scratching. Another clue is if dandruff (which is nothing more than bits of dry skin that has shed from the skin) appears, especially if you see it on the loin or back.

What to do if the dog has these symptoms?

Obviously, if any of these symptoms appear, they should not be ignored, after all, it may not even be dry skin, but another problem, such as a fungal infection. In any case, The most advisable thing is to take the dog to the veterinarian so that he can tell us what the best solution is.. Sometimes it will be an antibiotic cream, other times some other medicine: remember that the creams we recommend, although aimed at these animals, are not medicines, so applying them can only provide momentary relief (after all, this type of cream only eliminate part of the symptoms) and that your dog needs something else.

What natural elements should a moisturizing cream for dogs contain?

Paws can dry out due to temperature change

Firstly, it is best to make sure that the product you want to buy is suitable for dogs and non-toxic. Next, read the label to find out what type of moisturizer is in it. Among the most common (and most natural) you will find:


Oil is the quintessential moisturizer, since, among others, it contains omega-3, which preserves skin hydration. To make your own homemade solution, you can dilute 5 to 10 teaspoons of the oil in purified water and apply it once a day.

Coconut oil

As you can imagine, oil is a great moisturizing agent, and coconut oil is no exception. In fact, many creams contain this element because it prevents fungal infections and has hardly any side effects, making it perfect for doggies that suffer from some type of allergy.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is also a very useful plant, both for humans and animalsThat is why it is so common to find it in all kinds of creams, whether they are moisturizers, after exposure to the sun... Aloe helps prevent itching and relieves the burning sensation in the skin as well as hydrating it.


Finally, another very common ingredient in creams and even shampoos for dogs is oatmeal, as it helps prevent itching and hydrates the skin. On the other hand, you can apply a homemade paste on your dog's skin yourself if you have to get out of trouble, you just have to mix oatmeal and water. However, be careful not to eat it, because although it is not toxic, it is better to control everything that our pet eats.

where to buy moisturizer for dogs

A dog showing its nose

As usual in this type of very specific products, It is not usual to find moisturizing cream for dogs everywhere, and you have to go to more specialized stores. For example: uterine

  • En Amazon, the electronic giant, you will find all kinds of moisturizers for all tastes. In addition, you can be guided by user comments, which can be very useful if you are looking for something very specific.
  • Furthermore, in specialized stores such as Kiwoko or TiendaAnimal you will also find this type of product, although keep in mind that they tend to have more variety on the web than in physical stores, which, however, can provide some help if you are confused.
  • Finally, although they do not have at all veterinarians, always, always, before applying any cream it is better that you consult your veterinarian, who will inform you if it is really necessary, if the problem is something else or where you can get the cream that best suits your needs.

The moisturizing cream for dogs is, without a doubt, something more useful than it may seem at first glance or if you have never had a dog. Tell us, what cream do you use to keep your dog's skin hydrated? Do you recommend any of the list? Do you think we have left any to mention?

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